For Lease
12100-12200, boulevard Métropolitain Est, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Qc
Property Highlights
12100-12200, boulevard Métropolitain Est, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Qc
• Two new industrial buildings in the heart of Montreal East, located at the corner of Highway 40 and Blvd Saint-Jean Baptiste, Pointe-Aux-Trembles.
• The properties offer excellent access and visibility on Highway 40, benefiting from a large surrounding labour pool.
• The Centre Logistique industrial development benefits from favorable municipal zoning regulations that can accommodate multiple light industrial uses (Class I1) and medium industrial uses (Class I2), including, but not limited to, the following sectors*: Warehousing, Transport & Distribution, Manufacturing, Life sciences and health technology, Metals / Electronics / Plastics, Clean technology, Energy & Electronics, Research and Development
• *Please refer to the City of Montreal’s zoning bylaw document RCA09-Z01 for the boroughs of Rivières-des-Priaries/Pointe-aux-Trembles for more details and information.